Monday, May 3, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I've been home for about 3 days now. It's weird to think that I have already completed an entire semester of college. It is even weirder to think that I go on a mission in 2 and a half months! Everything seems new and different to me... I like it.

I'm back to living with my brother... which means sharing a room... and I immediately was reminded of what I was coming back to. You could tell, over the past school year, that he had claimed that room because his stuff was EVERY WHERE! I looked in the closet and was immediately overwhelmed at the mound of... stuff there was on the floor. Now, I'm not any where close to the cleanest person in the world, but that was astounding to me. How could one live in such a sty? My mom likes to remind me that I was that bad by myself, but I have a hard time believing her.

I have also found how easy it is to lose track of time through wasting it. As much as I love hanging with my friends, I have found that I play a lot of video games, particularly at home. Before the mission, I have found that this is not so much a good idea. I will try my hardest to keep my time prioritized and my mind focused on my mission and my calling as a servant of the Lord.

Overall, it is great to be back home. I get to see my family regularly again, as well as the neighborhood buddies and such. However, I will miss the many people I met at Snow. I'm not going to repeat myself, but I do wish you a fond farewell, and I hope we will meet again someday.